
Even though it is considered best practice to separate the ROS code from the logic, they are commonly placed in the same ROS package. To enable reusing the code in a ROS-agnostic context, the logic and the ROS-bits should be placed in a different packages. However, this requires the programmer to manually add the packaging magic of catkin_package(). This blog post provides insight on what is required to make a CMake project ‘find_packagable’ 1.

Example repository

A minimal working example of a ROS workspace can be found here. This workspace contains three packages:

  1. plain_cmake: Minimal example of a plain CMake package for ROS.
  2. catkin_pkg: Test the plain_cmake package in a ROS workspace.
  3. consumer_cmake: Test the system installation of plain_cmake in another CMake project.

This blog post will fokus on the plain_cmake package but will also give short examples of reusing the package.


Even though a package.xml is not required for the CMake functionalities, it is still required in the context of ROS. This file gets parsed by the build tool, for example catkin build to determine the dependencies and the build order 2. To mark our project as plain CMake we add the following tags to our package.xml:


Many dependencies can be installed via rosdep so they should be added to the package.xml, too. Make sure to visit rosindex to find the correct name of the dependencies. For example for linear algebra, matrix and vector operations the package could depend on Eigen:



Includes and Settings

First, we include some CMake helpers. GNUInstallDirs provides variables for default installation directories like ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} while the CMakePackageConfigHelpers provides functions for the automatic generation of the CMake configuration files.


Afterwards, some package specific variables are set. We will use some modern features which require CMake version 3.1 or higher. Then, we define a name and version for the package and set the C++ standard to version 11. In the last line, we define the variable ConfigPackageLocation which contains the path where our CMake package configuration files will be installed 3. Under Linux, CMake will search in several locations for the Config.cmake file. One of the locations is lib/<package name>/cmake.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
set(ConfigPackageLocation ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}/cmake)

Finally, we need to include the dependencies of our package. In this example, the Eigen3 library is required.

find_package (Eigen3 3.3 REQUIRED NO_MODULE)

Defining targets

This step is very similar to defining targets in a catkin package. In this example, we define a library named after project which consists of a single source file. It is good practice to include headers and sources for each target instead of using the global include_directories() 4. For the sources, target_sources() is considered IDE friendly but defining a library without any source will lead to a catkin warning. Adding at least one source file to the library seems to do the trick and all sources can be added via target_sources() Including the header directories however is a bit more complicated, as the CMake documentation states: “Include directories usage requirements commonly differ between the build-tree and the install-tree.”. Therefore, we have to use generator expressions to specify the correct include paths 5.

add_library(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_lib src/matrix_operations.cpp)
target_sources(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_lib PRIVATE
target_include_directories(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_lib PUBLIC
target_link_libraries(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_lib PUBLIC Eigen3::Eigen)

Moreover, we define an application and link it to our library:

add_executable(example_app src/example_app.cpp)
target_link_libraries(example_app ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_lib)

Installing the targets

The obvious reason for using install(TARGETS) is to copy the libraries, binaries and headers to a system directory, where they can be found by other projects 6. The not so obvious reason is that we can use the EXPORT command to associate the installation targets with plain_cmakeTargets, which we will use in the next section. The ARCHIVE, LIBRARY and RUNTIME DESTINATION commands define where the files will be installed. Here, we use the GNUInstallDirs helper variables for the destination. There also exists an option to set the includes destination via INCLUDES DESTINATION. However, the includes destination has already been set via target_include_directories and thus can be omitted 5.

install(TARGETS ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_lib example_app

The header files require a separate installation command to copy them to a system directory. You can either use install(FILES) to install a list of files or install(DIRECTORY) to install a whole directory. Since all header files of the example package are stored in the include/plain_cmake directory, we use the latter. Again, we use a GNUInstallDirs variable for the include destination. Please note the ‘/’ after the ‘include’.

install(DIRECTORY include/

Export Targets

In the last section we associated the install targets with plain_cmakeTargets. Now, we can use this association to generate the plain_cmakeTargets.cmake which will allow other projects to import our targets. The NAMESPACE is be prepended to the target names, so we can link to this library via plain_cmake::plain_cmake_lib. If you do not want to specify and associate an installation target, you could alternatively use export(TARGETS) to manually specify and export the targets for the build tree.


The export command makes the targets available in the build tree only 7. To make the targets available for projects which are not part of the build tree, we also have to install them:

  DESTINATION ${ConfigPackageLocation})

Package Configuration Generation

This section describes the steps required to enable the find_package mechanism. For our plain_cmake project two files are required to turn it into a CMake package:

  • plain_cmakeConfigVersion.cmake
  • plain_cmakeConfig.cmake

We can use the CMakePackageConfigHelpers for the generation of both files 8. The plain_cmakeConfigVersion.cmake can easily be generated by specifying the version number of the package and a compatibility setting:

  COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion)

Generating the plain_cmakeConfig.cmake involves a bit more work. But, we can use the configure_package_config_file helper to simplify the process. This helper function requires:

  • The makes the targets and dependencies available to the importing project. This file will be explained in the next section.
  • An output filename, which expands to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/plain_cmakeConfig.cmake.
  • The path where the plain_cmakeConfig.cmake will be installed, which is the same as the installation path of plain_cmakeTargets.cmake.
  • The PATHS_VARS variable1 variable2 ... can be used to pass different installation locations to the Our example package only requires one variable INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR for the location of the headers.
  INSTALL_DESTINATION ${ConfigPackageLocation}

After generating both, the ConfigVersion.cmake and the Config.cmake files, they can be installed to a system directory. We use the same installation command that we used for the installation of the header files. It is important that the installation DESTINATION matches the one specified in configure_package_config_file.

  DESTINATION ${ConfigPackageLocation})

The first line will be automatically expanded by the config helpers to make the file relocatable.


Next, we make the targets which we defined earlier available to the consumer projects:


If we want to use our library in a catkin package we are required to set the variables plain_cmake_INCLUDE_DIRS and plain_cmake_LIBRARIES. Otherwise catkin_package() would result in the following warning:

catkin_package() DEPENDS on 'plain_cmake' but neither 'plain_cmake_INCLUDE_DIRS' nor 'plain_cmake_LIBRARIES' is defined.

To make our package relocatable, we use the @PACKAGE_<variable>@ macro for the path of plain_cmake_INCLUDE_DIRS. This macro expands the path variables from PATH_VARS we passed to configure_package_config_file. Remember, we set the INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR variable to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}. For example, when building the plain_cmake library in a catkin workspace, the macro @PACKAGE_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR@ is the expanded path/to/catkin_ws/devel/include.

The set_and_check helper checks whether the path we set actually exists. Moreover, we populate the plain_cmake_LIBRARIES with our library target - notice the namespace.

set_and_check(plain_cmake_INCLUDE_DIRS "@PACKAGE_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR@")
set(plain_cmake_LIBRARIES plain_cmake::plain_cmake_lib)

Theoretically, we could use find_package and target_link_libraries to compile against our library now. However, this would result in an error that the target Eigen3::Eigen was not be found. Forwarding the dependencies is easily accomplished by using the find dependency macro. Simply insert the same package requirements as in find_package from the beginning of your CMakeLists.txt. The difference to find_package is that this macro will return with an error message from the Config.cmake iif the package cannot be found.

Please note that there seems to be an issue with the expansion of the @PACKAGE_<...>@ macros when using find_dependency before it. When finding Eigen3 before setting the plain_cmake_INCLUDE_DIRS, the path would be expanded to the Eigen3 include directory instead of the plain_cmake’s one.

find_dependency(Eigen3 3.3 REQUIRED NO_MODULE)

Finally it is recommended to call the following line to confirm that all required components have been found:



Now that we have completed our plain CMake package, it is time to use it in another project. We implemented the package so that it can be used in the build tree of a catkin workspace or from a system installation.

Catkin Workspace

Using the plain_cmake package is pretty straight forward, almost as using any other catkin package. Catkin uses the package.xml to determine the build order 2. Thus, we add the following line to the package.xml of the consumer package:


In the CMakeLists.txt of the catkin package we can use the find_package mechanism to use our plain_cmake package.

find_package(plain_cmake REQUIRED) 

Catkin uses the catkin_package macro to generate the package configuration which we generated via configure_package_config_file and write_basic_package_version_file. To forward our package further down the dependency tree, we have to add it as a non-catkin dependency 9:

 CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp std_msgs
 DEPENDS plain_cmake)

After catkin_package(), the targets of the catkin package can be defined. For example, we can add a ROS node executable that depends on the plain_cmake_lib. If the package was found via find_package(), the library can be linked via target_link_library(). Since we exported the target in the namespace plain_cmake, we have to link the node against plain_cmake::plain_cmake_lib.

add_executable(test_node src/test_node.cpp)
  PRIVATE ${catkin_LIBRARIES} plain_cmake::plain_cmake_lib)

Finally, we can compile the whole catkin workspace. As the plain CMake package makes it a mixed workspace, we cannot use catkin_make. Instead, catkin_make_isolated10 or the catkin_tools have to be used. An example can be found in catkin_pkg.

CMake System Installation

Since the plain_cmake package’s only ROS bit is the package.xml, it can be installed and used like any other system dependency. Navigate to the plain_cmake directory and create a build directory to keep the workspace clean. Inside this directory we can call the typical sequence of commands to build and install a CMake package. For development, I prefer using checkinstall instead of make install because it enables an easy cleanup via apackage manager like dpkg.

cd path/to/plain_cmake
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo checkinstall

After installing the package to the system, we can use it in another CMake project by finding it and linking against it just like in the catkin workspace example. The only difference is, that we do not use the catkin_package macro.

add_executable(app src/app.cpp)
target_link_libraries(app plain_cmake::plain_cmake_lib)

A full example can be found in consumer_cmake. Note, that if you compile the whole repository with catkin, the consumer_cmake project is not compiled as it does not include a package.xml.


We have implemented a plain CMake package that can be used in a catkin workspace and in a ROS-agnostic setting. This portability is also useful, if you intend to transition to ROS2 in the near future, as colcon supports plain CMake packages, too. If you have any questions or recommendations, feel free to comment or open a pull-request 🤖.

References and Useful Resources


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